2 main topics, everyone should learn to sell and 50 pieces of critical advice by one of the peers

Hello, Friends!

Have you ever thought about how crucial sales skills are for engineers?

In today’s competitive landscape, technical prowess alone isn’t enough. Engineers must also be effective communicators and salespeople to advocate for their ideas and innovations.

Why is this important?

  1. Stakeholder Engagement: Engineers who can sell their ideas effectively can secure buy-in from key stakeholders, leading to smoother project approvals and more resources.
  2. Innovation Advocacy: Often, the best technical solution needs to be "sold" to the team or client for it to be realized.
  3. Career Advancement: Engineers with strong sales skills are more likely to ascend to leadership positions, where they can make a broader impact.

Reflective Question: Do you feel confident in your ability to sell your ideas at work? If not, what are some steps you can take to develop these skills?

Tune into Our Podcasts

If you're looking to develop your sales skills and learn more about how effective communication can elevate your engineering career, consider tuning into our podcasts. We delve deep into these topics, offering insights and practical tips from industry experts.

You can find more on my podcasts here.

Don’t miss out on these valuable resources to help you thrive in your professional journey. Happy listening!

Switching gears towards Better You

Take a look at one of the best posts by Justin Welsh

50 pieces of critical advice after 5 years as an entrepreneur:

1. Nobody is coming to save you.

2. Stop trying to be cool. Be successful.

3. Teach yourself or you're a liability.

4. Learn to sell or you're going to struggle.

5. You learn 10x more trying than reading.

6. Thick skin is a requirement.

7. Support people, don't tear them down.

8. Someone will always hate you.

9. Price your offer for access.

10. A good network speeds you up.

11. A bad network slows you down.

12. Start figuring stuff out on your own.

13. If people root against you, cut them out.

14. Always over-communicate.

15. You can learn from everyone.

16. Everyone you talk to is also full of sh*t.

17. Your business heroes are normal.

18. If you can make $1 you can make $1k.

19. And $1k means you can make $10k.

20. Talk to your customers.

21. You can't 'hope' a business to life.

22. Do interesting things & attract mentors.

23. Promote yourself online every day.

24. Write daily for at least 30 minutes.

25. Ignore haters.

26. Help others.

27. Go to therapy and be honest.

28. Drink less alcohol.

29. Start with one revenue stream.

30. Diversify later to survive.

31. Systems beat motivation.

32. Quit focusing on tools and tech.

33. Experiment often.

34. Use data to create better content.

35. Never plagiarize people but borrow.

36. Respect people's time.

37. You're not clever. Be clear.

38. Be on time for important things.

39. Pessimists are often right.

40. Optimists are wealthy.

41. Don't be arrogant, but be strong.

42. Try a lot of different things.

43. Don't argue with your customers.

44. Everyone has the same 24 hours.

45. Don't study Elon if you're making $0.

46. You can't control your past.

47. Arguing online is a waste of energy.

48. Starting a business > reading biz books.

49. Anyone selling 'instant results' is a con.

50. You're 100% responsible for your future.

Stay tuned and do share this post with others. I appreciate it.

Tech-SalesPreneur, Author, Startup Growth Specialist

Subscribe if you are passionate about growth, business, technology and startups.

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