
Tech-SalesPreneur, Author, Startup Growth Specialist

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2 main topics, everyone should learn to sell and 50 pieces of critical advice by one of the peers

Hello, Friends! Have you ever thought about how crucial sales skills are for engineers? In today’s competitive landscape, technical prowess alone isn’t enough. Engineers must also be effective communicators and salespeople to advocate for their ideas and innovations. Why is this important? Stakeholder Engagement: Engineers who can sell their ideas effectively can secure buy-in from key stakeholders, leading to smoother project approvals and more resources. Innovation Advocacy: Often, the best...

Issue #1 Announcing the Launch of the Better You Podcast We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Better You Podcast, now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! If you're passionate about business, technology, startups, and growth (BTSG), this podcast is for you. Meet Your Host Hosted by the insightful Neeraj Sabharwal, the Better You Podcast brings you in-depth discussions and interviews with industry leaders, visionaries, and innovators who are shaping the future. Neeraj's vast...

Neeraj Sabharwal The Personality Identity of Name-Droppers: Unpacking Motivations and Implications ↓ In the intricate dance of human interaction, name-dropping stands out as a curious and often contentious behavior. Whether it’s at a professional networking event or a casual social gathering, we’ve all encountered individuals who seem to weave prominent names into their conversations with ease. But what drives this behavior, and what does it reveal about their personality identity? In this...

Neeraj Sabharwal TechSalespreneur Navigating the Path of a TechSalespreneur: A Career in Technical Sales In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, a niche career path that merges the prowess of tech-savvy individuals with the dynamic skills of sales professionals is emerging. This path, known as techsalespreneurship, paves the way for those passionate about technology and driven by the thrill of sales. Techsalespreneurs are pivotal in bridging the gap between innovative tech products...

This is an excerpt from one of my books. A few readers reached out asking me to share a preview. Amazon “1. KARIMStanding on the balcony of his room, lost in happy thoughtsabout his recent grades, Karim felt rain drops begin to fall on hisface.He lifted his face and closed his eyes,allowing himself to wander down the trail of his dreams as hereveled in the feel of the rain on his face.Just as the monsoon season brings newhope and dreams to the lives of farmers, so too did his score cardbring...

Neeraj Sabharwal ↓ The best thing you can do for yourself The path to sharing your voice in public is fraught with challenges that test not just your creativity and resilience but also your ability to stay strong towards your mission. The mission of helping others. Among these challenges, the resistance from people who don’t want to see you succeed—whether due to skepticism, envy, or mere disbelief in your potential—can be particularly disheartening. Criticism and Underestimation: The...

Neeraj Sabharwal The High Cost of Cutting Sales Incentives: A Cautionary Tale ↓ In the high-stakes world of sales, the motivation and performance of a sales team can often be the heartbeat of a company’s success. Sales incentives, carefully structured and deployed, serve not only as motivation but also as recognition of the hard work and achievement of sales goals. However, a disturbing trend has emerged in some circles, where sales managers, in a misdirected attempt to increase their own...

Unraveling the Corporate Game: Lessons from ‘House of Cards’ Power plays. Ruthless negotiations. Strategic alliances. Welcome to the world of ‘House of Cards,’ where every move is calculated, and every decision carries weight. While the show may be a riveting drama, it also serves as a compelling case study for navigating the corporate jungle. In this fast-paced environment, the character of Frank Underwood stands out as a prime example of ambition and cunning. His journey to the top is...

Let's get to the point. 3 ideas to get to "Better You" a) Imagine this: a world where technology is not the starting line, but the finishing touch. In an era dominated by rapid technological advancement, it feels counterintuitive to suggest stepping back from technology as our starting point. Yet, it's crucial to remember that technology, at its core, is a tool designed to solve problems, not define them. Let's shift our mindset. Start with the human experience. Identify the pain points,...

Issue #1 Make that change You will be receiving an email to download my book, Founder Led Sales. I will be focusing on "Technology, Growth and Entrepreneurship" Technology: AI is the elephant in the room. But not for the reasons you might think. We're not just talking about automation or job displacement anymore. The landscape has shifted. It's about making smarter and better data driven decision using AI. Enterprises are actively seeking ways to blend AI seamlessly into their existing...